Diagnose and Monitor SG&A Performance

We can benchmark your overall SG&A on Revenue (all Functions from General Management, Sales, Finance, HR, IT, Purchasing, Facilities, to R&D but excluding Production) which will provide to you a high-level Stake for Transformation.

SG&A on Sales are ranking depending on the industry in average from 6% to 12% but some Companies are operating with leaner SG&A when others are spending up to 18% of Revenues which represents at least a reason to investigate the gaps and for most Companies to engage or accelerate the Transformation Journey canceltimesharegeek.

Those Stakes should be broken down and benchmarked beyond Function by End to End Process to identify the Performance Drivers which can be leveraged and monitored through Process KPI: Fully loaded Costs per Output; Complexity and Standardization; Productivity; Compliance; Service levels and Cycle Times; Value Added delivered.

Our unique expertise will support Governance Decisions on your Transformation’s Journey based on Functions and Processes KPI highlighting operational Stakes and Priorities as well as Best Practices to be integrated by your Company.

Should you launch either an overall SG&A Diagnostic and/or specific Functions and Processes Assessments ?

What are Your Challenges and Stakes?

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